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三、关于在中国境内无住所而在一个纳税年度中在中国境内连续或累计居住超过90日或在税收协定规定的期间中在中国境内连续或累计居住超过183日但不满一年的个人纳税义务的确定 根据税法第一条第二款以及税收协定的有关规定,在中国境内无住所而在一个纳税年度中在
当月工资 在中国天数
税所得额 当月天数





(State Administration of Taxation: 30 June 1994 Coded Guo Shui Fa[1994] No. 148)

Whole Doc.

To the tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities, the tax bureaus of various cities with independent
planning, and various sub-bureaus of the Offshore Oil Tax Administration:
In accordance with the Individual Income Tax Law of the People's
Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Tax Law) and its Detailed
Rules for Implementation (hereinafter referred to as Detailed Rules for
Implementation) as well as related stipulations of the agreement on the
avoidance of double taxation China signs with other countries (hereinafter
referred to as tax agreement), we hereby clarify the following question
concerning how to determine tax on the wage and salary incomes gained by
individuals without residence in the territory of China who hold a post in
companies, enterprises and economic organizations (hereinafter referred to
as enterprises within China) or agencies and sites as well as permanent
organizations (hereinafter referred to as organizations within China) as
stated in the tax agreement set up in China by foreign enterprises, or who
engage in work within China for being employed or implementing the

I. Concerning determination of the sources of wage and salary income
In line with the stipulation of Section (1) of Article 5 of the
Detailed Rules for Implementation, the wage and salary income originates
from the territory of China shall be considered the wage and salary gained
by individuals during the period of actual work within China, that is: the
wage and salary gained by individuals during the period of actual work
within China which are paid by enterprises or individual employers whether
inside or outside China, all belong to incomes originate from within the
territory of China: the wage and salary gained by an individual during the
period of actual work outside China, which are paid by enterprises or
individual employers whether inside or outside China, all belong to
incomes originate from outside China.

II. Concerning the determination of individual tax payers with no
residence within the territory of China but who, within a tax- paying
year, live continuously or for an accumulated period of no more than 90
days within the territory of China, or who live continuously or for an
accumulated period of no more than 183 days within the territory of China
during the period as set in the tax agreement
In accordance with the related stipulations of Clause 2 of Article 1
of the Tax Law, Article 7 of the Detailed Rule for Implementation as well
as the Tax Agreement, the wage and salary for the individuals with no
residence in the territory of China but who, within a tax-paying year,
work continuously or for an accumulated period of no more than 90 days or
live continuously or for an accumulated period of no more than 183 days
within the territory of China, which are paid by the employers outside
China and which are not borne by the organization within China of the said
employers, are exempt from declaration for payment of individual income
tax. The above-mentioned individuals shall declare tax payment for the
wage and salary incomes gained during the period of their actual work
within China, which are paid by the enterprises or individual employers or
borne by the organizations within the territory of China. If these
enterprises or organizations within China for which enterprise income tax
is calculated and levied by the method of appraising and deciding profits
or enterprise income tax is not calculated and levied for having no
business income, wages and salaries gained by individuals during the
period or their actual work in China who assume office in and are employed
by the enterprises or organizations within China, which, whether are or
are not recorded in the account books of the enterprises or organizations
within China, shall all be regarded as wages and salaries paid by
enterprises within China or borne by the organizations within China.
The above-mentioned individuals shall declare tax payment within the
time limit as set in the Tax Law for their monthly payable tax.

III. Concerning determination of tax payment by individuals without
residence within the territory of China but who, in the tax-paying year,
live continuously or for an accumulated period not more than 90 days or
live continuously or for an accumulated period exceeding 183 days but less
than one year within the territory of China during the period specified in
the tax agreement.
In accordance with the related stipulations of Clause 2 of Article 1
as well as the tax agreement, the individuals without residence within the
territory of China but who, within the tax- paying year, work continuously
or for an accumulated period exceeding 90 days within China or who, during
the period as set in the tax agreement, live continuously or for an
accumulated period exceeding 183 days but less than one year within the
territory of China, shall all declare payment of individual income tax on
the wage and salary income gained during the period of the actual work in
China paid by the enterprises or individual employers within China and by
enterprises or individual employers outside China; the wage and salary
income they gained during the period of their work outside China, with the
exception of what is stipulated in Article 5 of the Circular, are exempt
from individual income tax.
The above-mentioned individuals shall declare payment of the monthly
payable tax in accordance with the time limit as stipulated in the Tax
Law. Individuals, who have wage and salary income paid by employers
outside China and not borne by the organizations within China, may
predetermine that within the taxpaying year they live continuously or for
an accumulated period exceeding 90 days or live continuously or for an
accumulated period exceeding 183 days within the period as specified in
the tax agreement, they shall declare payment for the monthly payable tax
within the time limit specified in the Tax Law; individuals, who cannot
predetermine that within the tax-paying year or during the related period
as set in the tax agreement, live continuously or for an accumulated
period exceeding 90 days or 183 days, may, within seven days of the
following month after reaching 90 days or 183 days, declare tax payment
together with the payable tax of the previous month.

IV. Concerning determination of tax payment by individuals without
residence within the territory of China but who have lived in China for a
full year.
In accordance with the stipulation of Clause 1 of Article 1 of the
Tax Law and Article 6 of the Regulations for Implementation, individuals
without residence within the territory of China but who have lived in
China for a full year but not exceeding five years shall all declare
payment of individual income tax on the wages and salaries gained by them
during the period of their work in China and paid by the enterprises or
individual employers within China and by enterprises or individual
employers outside China. An individual who has wage and salary income
gained during the period of work when he temporarily leaves China as
stated in Article 3 of the Regulations for Implementation shall declare
payment of tax only on the part paid by enterprises or individual
employers within China. If enterprises and organizations within the
territory of China which calculate and levy enterprise income tax by
adopting the method of verifying profit or those which do not have
business income and therefore enterprise income tax is not levied, the
wage and salary gained by individuals who assume office in or are employed
by the enterprises or organizations within China, no matter whether or not
recorded in the account books of the enterprises or organizations within
China, shall all be regarded as paid by the enterprises or organizations
within China where they assume office.
The above-mentioned individuals who, within one month, has both wage
and salary income gained during the period of work within China and wage
and salary income gained during the period when they temporarily leave
China and paid by the enterprises or individual employers within China,
shall have the month's payable tax calculated for both incomes and declare
tax payment within the time limit as set in the Tax Law.

V. Concerning determination of tax payment directors and high- level
managerial personnel within China.
For individuals who take the post as directors or high-level managers
of the enterprises within China, the director fees or wage and salary
gained by them and paid by the enterprises within China, the stipulations
of Articles 2 and 3 of this Circular are not applicable to them, shall
declare payment of individual income tax no matter whether or not they
perform their duties outside China during the period from the day they
hold the past as directors or high-level managers of the enterprises
within China to the day when they terminate the above-mentioned post; they
shall perform the tax paying obligation as set in the stipulations of
Articles 2, 3 and 4 of this Circular on the wage and salary gained by them
and paid by the enterprises outside China.

VI. The calculation of payable tax on the wage and salary income
gained in less than one month
Individuals fit in with the situation as mentioned in Articles 2, 3,
4 and 5 of this Circular who declare payment for the wage and salary
incomes gained during the period of less than one month shall have the
actual payable tax amount calculated for the wage and salary income in
line with a full month, the formula for calculation is as follows:

Payable tax amount =
The amount of payable tax on current wage & salary income X
Applicable tax rate - Rapid calculating deducting number X
(Actual days in China in the month ?Days in the month)

If what an individual of the above-mentioned case receives is daily
wage and salary, the daily wage and salary should be multiplied by the
number of days in the current month and, after being converted into
monthly wage and salary, the above-mentioned formula should be followed in
calculating the payable tax amount.

VII. The stipulations of this Circular takes effect from July 1,
1994. If the content of previous regulations is different from the content
of the stipulations of this Circular, the matter shall be carried out in
accordance with the stipulations of this Circular.

Appendix: Explanations on Examples

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